Action Federation Bowls England
1 Placing the mat First end front of Mat 2 meters after 2 to 4 meters. Front of Mat 2 to 25 meters.
2 Delivering the jack within side boundary and ditch. within side boundry and ditch.
3 Improper delivery of Jack Opposing lead to deliver jack within rule 1 and continue to alternate until correct. Opposing lead to deliver within rule 1. Still incorrect place jack 2 meters from far ditch. Mat as rule 1.
4 Delivering a live bowl Minimum 14 meters, within boundaries (any partof bowl) and ditch. Minimum 14 meters, within boundaries (whole bowl) and ditch (unless touching the jack first). Touchers to be marked with chalk or nominated.
5 Green marking On side of green marks for 2 & 4 meters & minimum length with Mat on 2 meters. On side of green mark for 2 meters & minimum length with mat on 2 meters
6 Counting Shots All bowls on the green nearer jack than opposition if within 2 meters. (Use pole to measure) All bowls nearer the jack than the opposition.(including touchers in the ditch)
7 Measuring Number 2 agrees shots. Note if in any doubt measure, do not be put off by aggressive opposition Number 2 agrees shots. Note if in any doubt measure, do not be put off by aggressive opposition
8 Score Card Held by Number 2 Held by Skip
9 Order of play Can be changed during play between ends. Note:- If score is heavily against after 7 endsthe consider change. Fixed at start, cannot be changed.
10 Etiquette All players at jack end should be well behind head. When opposition has Mat do not interfere or give instructions. All players at jack end should be well behind the head. When the opposition has the Mat do no interfere or give instructions.
11 Awareness League bowling is a team game. Scoring is 1 point per rink & 2 points for overall shots. Please be aware that if shots are close you can influence nearly half the points even when losing on your rink. League bowling is a team game. Scoring is 2 points per rink & 4 points for overall shots. Please be aware that if shots are close you can influence overall score even when loosing on your rink.