The object of the rules is to promote and foster the game of level green Bowls for members and their guests at all levels and to provide
opportunities for recreation and competition. The Club Rules have been framed in the belief that sportsmanship will prevail and that, in the absence of a specific rule, common sense will find a way to a solution. The overriding objectives are that bowling is for enjoyment and that the Club should thrive and be respected.
The election of new members shall be left to the discretion of the Management Committee. They shall be proposed and seconded by Full Members of the Club (Clause 4.1 of Constitution refers).
Persons new to Bowls must have had some form of coaching and instruction before being allowed to take part in club matches or
competitions. The club will undertake or provide access to coaching and instruction.
All members shall pay an Annual Subscription appropriate to their Membership class which shall be decided at the Annual General
Meeting of the Club (Clause 7.2.12 of Constitution refers). Anyone leaving their subscription unpaid after the 15th May
(Clause 10.3 of Constitution refers) shall not be allowed to use the green or club.
The Management Committee shall have the power to suspend or expel a member for bad behaviour. That member would be given the right to explain his/her actions to the Management Committee. The Management Committee's decision will be final. In the event of a member being expelled, they shall forfeit their subscription. All junior members must be in the care of an adult member at all times.
All Club players are required to wear White Tops; shirts for men, blouses or shirts for Ladies. These will be worn with Grey Trousers (Ladies may wear grey Skirts). Club Ties for men and cravats for Ladies, may be worn with white tops. Sweaters, Windcheaters and Waterproofs are to be white. Proper bowls shoes (flat with no heels) will be worn on the Green at all times, including designated markers.
Any point of dispute affecting a member, or members of a team during play shall be referred to the Captain of the day/ team. The Management Committee will deal with any Complaints or Suggestions with reference to bowling matters affecting a team. These shall be put in writing and given to the Club Secretary.
The playing season shall be for such a period of the year as shall be determined by the Management Committee. No play shall be allowed on the Green on such occasions when the Green keeper or a Committee Member considers the Green unfit for play.
Smoking is not allowed within the confines of Cavendish Bowls Club and all mobiles should be switched off whilst players are on the green.
A copy of these Rules shall be given to all members, together with a copy of any amendments or alterations thereto.
The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with any errors and/or omissions within these Rules for the time being but the Club Rules may only be amended, altered, or revoked by a majority of members entitled to vote and present at an Annual General Meeting of the Club, of which due notice of the resolution to amend, alter or revoke the Club Rules or any part thereof has been given to the members. The Club Rules shall be subject to a full review every five years or sooner should the need arise. The Secretary shall retain the original and update of the Club Rules by date and version number, so as to identify draft and ratified versions.
Bowling is essentially an activity where standards of politeness are usually maintained.
Most club games are played in teams of 3 or 4 players. Each member has his or her own responsibility. These are:-
- The Lead places the mat, delivers and centres the Jack (cot) before bowling the first wood. If "pushers" are being used, the lead from the team that lost the end is expected to collect the woods and place them behind and to one side of the mat.
- The No.2 from the home team will usually alter the scoreboard.
- The No.3 (or the No.2 in the case of triples) measures the shots when necessary and agrees on the result of that end.
- The Skip has sole charge of his/her team. His/her instructions should be observed. Clear and precise instructions are essential. Skips usually keep a record of all shots scored and has possession of the scorecard.
When not bowling, all players should be at least 1 metre behind the mat. Be ready to bowl, with wood in hand, when it is your turn on the mat. Before delivery, always check that your skip has no final instructions regarding the shot to be taken. Observation of the game will enable all team members to know where their team woods are positioned. The player has possession of the rink until his/her wood comes to rest. When changing ends, never stray onto an adjacent rink. Keep near the middle of your rink when walking to the head.
The only players in the head should be the No.2 (in triples) or the No.3 (in rinks). Other bowlers should be well behind the head, observing and learning. When at the head, stand still so as not to distract those who are bowling towards you. Occasional exuberance after a good wood is fine, but constant loud, unnecessary noise can annoy and distract other bowlers and give you and the club a bad name. Although most of your bowling will be of a social nature, do not let chatting take first place, but concentrate on your game.